NARCOMS facilitates MS research, by offering the registry as a resource for collaborators and conducting and publishing research based on registry data.
We provide assistance for researchers wanting to:
recruit patients with MS for research studies
access de-identified NARCOMS data
collect data not previously captured in NARCOMS
As a health care provider to people living with MS, you can help us get the word out about NARCOMS.
Please use the form below to let us know if you need brochures for your clinic!
What Your Participation Means
Process Summary
Complete the Researcher Information Form (prior to submission of a letter of intent for research grants)
NARCOMS will contact the researcher to discuss the project
Review the project aims with the researcher
Determine whether NARCOMS data would be helpful or project feasibility
The project will be reviewed by the NARCOMS team. Comments/revisions may be requested.
The review process generally takes about 3-4 weeks.
After Approval
Documentation of IRB approval is required.
The necessary agreements (i.e. contract) will be reviewed and signed.
Prepare a time line for the project.
Work with the NARCOMS team to prepare all printed or online material (e.g. letters, survey instruments, protocols, etc.)
Publication Review of manuscripts by NARCOMS is required for appropriate citations and use of data.
Recruitment Assistance
If you are interested in recruitment assistance, please fill out the information form and a member of NARCOMS research staff will contact you.
For IRB approved clinical trials and observational studies
Mail and/or e-mail notifications sent to participants by the NARCOMS team
Mailing includes: NARCOMS cover letter, study specific information sheet, contact phone number and email or reply envelope
Target population based on study criteria
Examples of criteria which can be used:
Location (i.e. State, Zip Code)
Disability or specific Performance Scale status
Medications taking
Data Access and Collection
There are 2 ways NARCOMS can provide data to researchers. NARCOMS should be contacted prior to submission of a Letter of Intent for research grants. If NARCOMS is not contacted prior to submission, NARCOMS reserves the right to decline review of the proposal. The Researcher Information Form will need to be completed for initial review of either of the methods listed below:
Data Analysis:
De-identified datasets to answer specific research questions or NARCOMS team will conduct data analyses on research questions or requested topics in collaboration with researchers.
Project is reviewed and approved by NARCOMS
Preliminary inquiries for feasibility or funding purposes can be done in advance
Data is de-identified and delivered securely.
Can only be used for stated purposes.
Manuscript review by NARCOMS before publication
Data Collection:
For more detailed or in depth questions to participants (not regularly asked in biannual NARCOMS Update).
Either as a separate survey or part of our biannual questionnaire (length restrictions apply).
Sent via mail or online survey
Study must be IRB approved
No marketing contacts allowed (e.g. selling walking aides, assistive devices, etc.)